Study Administration
Admin Menu
While in a Study as an administrator (e.g. Analyst, Moderator or Client), you will have access to an Admin menu on the main navigation bar.

The Admin menu connects you to the most important administrative functions of a Study, including:
- Preview Mode: Allows administrators to preview the configuration of the entire study from the perspective of a Participant, Moderator or Client.
- Study Settings: Configure general settings for your study. Settings include: Study State, Appearance, Configuration, Privacy, Notification, Points, Permissions, and Transcription. There are also optional settings such as Setup Guide, Reschedule Activities, Copy Study, and Delete Study.
- Manage Pages: Where you can add and manage Home Pages. If there are multiple home pages in your study, you can reorder the priority they will appear to users.
- Add Participants: Where you can add participants to your study via Bulk Import, assigning Existing Panelists, sending an Email Invitation, or sharing a Registration Link.
- Participant Screening: Create Screening Questions to qualify / disqualify participants from your study, set Quota Limits to control how many participants are eligible to participate in the study, and configure Notices to show to qualified and disqualified applicants.
- Email Broadcast: Send emails to participants and administrators within the study.
- Pending Review: Lists all responses from participants that are eligible for manual review.
- Backroom: Keep track of all Backroom Comments and Backroom Tasks.
- Excerpts: Access the Excerpts Report to track, review and export any excerpts administrators have saved within your study.
- Video Playlists: Add, edit and manage video playlists
- Reports: Export a structured summary of various areas of your study including the participants, activities, points and excerpts.
- Transcripts: Download all of the data collected from participants within your study. Transcripts are divided by Activities, Discussions and Messages. Quantitative Data and participants’ Photos and Videos can also be exported from this area.
Participant Directory
On the main navigation bar, you will also see a count of participants in the header of the page as shown below:
Selecting this count provides access to various important shortcuts that will help you manage the participants of your Study:
- Participant Directory: Manage all participants in your study.
- Adding Participants: Add participants to your study by Bulk Import, assigning Existing Panelists, sending an Email Invitation, or sharing a Registration Link.
- Participant Screening: Manage all participants in your study, track email invitations, and review screened applicants
- Leaderboard: If points are enabled in your study, participants’ points and level achievements will be displayed here.
Messages Menu
The page header also includes an inbox icon that connects you to Messages - these are the private messages sent to and from participants. The menu also includes a green Compose button for sending / scheduling Email Broadcasts to all or a subset of the Study participants.
Notifications Menu
The bell icon in the page header opens up the Notifications. Users can access the Notifications area to review their study alerts. A number and red dot (as shown in the picture) will appear for an individual when they have received a notification.