Sending Email Broadcasts
Email Broadcasts are tailored messages that can be sent to individuals or groups of Study participants.
To send a new broadcast message to multiple Study participants at once you must do so from within a Study space. Select the Messages icon in the site header and then select the Compose button (as shown below) or choose the Email Broadcast option from the Study's Admin menu:
Message Recipients
You will be asked to select from 6 potential audiences for your broadcast message:
- All participants
- Active participants
- Invited but not yet joined
- Added but not yet invited
- Administrators
- Invite new participants...
Once you select the audience group, various filtering options become available. If you choose from the first four options, you'll have various filter capabilities made available to you which can be accessed using the Filter Participants button.
For example, you can select Active participants for your recipients and then filter by Segment, when they were added to or last visited the Study (date range), even Activity completion. These filtering options allow use to execute on participant management items by honing in on the desired individuals for the relevant messaging.
Selecting the Administrators recipient option allows you to select the desired people from the respective Admin role drop downs (i.e. Analysts, Moderators and Clients).
Selecting the Invite new participants... recipient option allows you send new Study invitations to one or more email addresses. Once selected, simply copy / paste your list of emails into the Email Addresses field and compose your invitation message's subject line and content.
Message Composition
After selecting receipts, customize the subject line and body of the message, or use a Message Template.
Using Dynamic Values
When composing emails to groups of individuals, you can still personalize the message by leveraging the available Dynamic Values.
For example, you may be send a reminder email to people who've yet to finish the first day's Activity. Using the relevant recipients and filter options, you've narrowed in on the relevant participants and want to personalize the communication to remove the need for generic language like " Hi everyone".
Using the dynamic value for First Name, you could start your message with "Hi {fname}" which would sub in the individuals' first name field from their account.
Writing messages that are for multiple people but are still individualized helps to foster community engagement and encourages completions by creating human touch points
Automatic login button
By default, email broadcast messages will include an Enter button. This button will automatically log users into their account on the platform. For security, the automatic login capability will disable a certain amount of time after the message has been sent. The auto login duration of time can be customized up to a maximum of 4 hours from Site Administration > Settings > Email Notifications.
After an auto-login link has expired, users will be sent an email verification code. Alternatively, they can input their email address or username and password to log in.
Preview and Send
If you plan to send this same message again in the future, consider saving it as a Template. Once you are satisfied with your message, you can preview and send it. Choose between Send Now (to send the message immediately) or Send Later (to schedule the delivery of the message for a later time/date).