Overview of Reports
Reports offer a structured summary of various aspects that are important to your Study. They often include charts and underlying data tables, all of which can be exported and used offline.
To access the Study reports, click into the Study Admin menu and the Reports option shown towards the bottom of the list. The four main reports found in this section are the:
- Participation Report: Measures participation levels amongst your community
- Activities Report: Tracks Activity completion progress for participants
- Points Report: Measures the overall point accumulations for each participant
- Excerpts Report: Consolidates all of the coded excerpts made throughout the Study
- Video Playlists: Add, edit and manage video playlists
All four reports have common controls that allow you to focus the data on specific participants, date ranges, and privacy settings. Once you’ve configured a report to your liking, click on the View Report button to generate it. All reports are immediately generated and will display within the same Study window.
Additional Reports and Summaries
The options listed under the Summaries section in the Reports menu simply redirect you to the Study's Summary tab filtered on the appropriate overview. The options included here are:
- Stream: Redirects you to the a social media like Stream, the default section of the Summary tab
- Words: Redirects you to the Words overview section of the Summary tab
- Photos: Redirects you to the Photos overview section of the Summary tab
- Videos: Redirects you to the Videos overview section of the Summary tab
- Charts: Redirects you to the Charts overview section of the Summary tab
In addition to the four reports listed at the top, there are also additional areas that can be accessed from the Reports menu. In terms of Additional section, these include:
- Quick Summary Report: Provides a breakdown on visitation rate, number of visits, completed Activities, rating and comments as well as discussion posts
- Action Log: Contains all user actions that have occurred in a Study (both participants and Admins)