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Excerpts Report

The Excerpts Report is accessible via the Reports area of the Study Admin menu. This report will provide you with an overview of any excerpts that you have saved within your Study. The report contains information on the codes applied to each excerpt, the content type the excerpt was generated from, as well as who saved the excerpt and when they did so. 

You can review each of the excerpts you have saved and have the option to export them to a CSV file. As this report includes Excerpts saved from participants video responses (using the resulting transcript), it is a great place to download all of your clips / highlights from participant videos. You can also use filters to easily locate relevant videos to add them to Video Playlists directly from the Excerpts Report page. This article will cover:

For more information on saving video clips from excerpts, you can review the following articles:

For more information on Video Playlists:

Charts and Data Tables

The chart in the Excerpts Report will give a visual breakdown of your codes with the number of excerpt tied to each. Each of the different content types where the excerpts were made from (i.e. Activities, Discussions, or Messages) will also be displayed as a legend beneath the chart. Any of these elements can be clicked on to include or exclude its excerpts from the chart based on your reporting needs.

Below the chart, you'll see a stream style display of your excerpts in their contribution date order. For any of the individual excerpts, you can leave a backroom comment, edit or delete the excerpt. You can always switch the order from Contribution Date to Excerpt Date if this is more desirable. 

Use the Export Excerpts control to export your excerpts to Excel including all relevant participant as well as contribution data. For excerpts tied to video responses, you can use the Download Clip option for a specific video excerpt or use the Export Video Clips control to download all of them.

Preparing Your Report

Each report in Recollective can be customized based on a range of fields as seen below. These controls allow you to produce everything from overall reports that cover all individuals and include all excerpts to more focused reports that target specific codes, contribution types or participants.

Contribution Date Range

This section allows you to determine the date range of the content feeding into the report. In most cases, you'll typically extract all of the associated data using the All Time default. However, you also have options to customize a specific date range if needed.

Contribution Types

In most cases you will want to review a report containing All Types (i.e. excerpts made from Activity responses, Discussions Topic posts, and Messages). However, you have the ability to view an Excerpts Report containing just Only Activities, Only Discussions, or Only Messages excerpts exclusively.

Excerpt Type

You also have the option to limit the report's included excerpts. You can keep things on the default of All Types, or filter on Only Video or Only Text. Use the Only Video option to quickly locate video clips to add to Video Playlists.

Excerpt Length

You can even tailer the length of excerpts included in the report by toggling the handles to set your minimum and maximum word lengths. For example, you could adjust things so that only excerpts between 10 and 15 words are included within the report if looking for shorter and punchier quotes that might be relevant for reporting.

Use of Codes

This section allows you to determine which excerpts should be included within the report based on their assigned code. You have the ability to view All excerpts, Only coded excerpts (you can then select which codes) or only the excerpts that are Not yet coded.

Excerpt Date

This section allows you to determine the date range for when the excerpts were made as it pertains to your report. In most cases, you'll typically extract all of the associated excerpts with the All Time default. However, you'll also have options to customize a specific date range if needed, and can even limit the report to excerpts made by specific Study Admins.

Optional Inclusions

For the Excerpts Report, the only additional optional inclusion is whether you're including backroom items. Simply check the  Backroom box if this is desired.


This area controls which participants are actually included within the report. While most users will create a report that includes All participants, you may find yourself needing to generate a report for Select Participants or even Select Segments if required. To do this, simply select one of the three options that suit your specific requirements.

Participant Identities

This series of options will allow you to determine how participants will be identified in the report. This ranges from including the participant's  Full name, to more limited options such as Username only or Unique ID only

Participant privacy is an incredibly important aspect of the platform. For best practices, we highly recommend the use of extraction options that involve limiting the amount of personally identifiable information being downloaded in physical files to be shared.
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