Activities Report

The Activities Report is accessible via the Reports area of the Study Admin menu. This report is used to track participant progress across Activities and can be used to identify who has met the minimum Activity completion requirements. 

The report can be quickly generated and downloaded, which is particularly useful when a project manager or recruiter is responsible for reaching out to participants externally. The report can also be used to identify any pain point Activities that are leading to participant drop-off or poor participation. This article will cover:

Charts and Data Tables

The report is based around Activity completion status. Each of the statuses appear as part of a legend below the chart - these can be included or excluded in the chart by clicking on them. For example, you may want to produce a chart output that simply reflects the completions.

The Activities Report is also unique to other report types as it produces two data tables. The first summarizes the total number of Activities that are either Completed, Incomplete, or Not Started

The second data table visually summarizes each participant’s Activity completion progress. In some cases, certain Activities may not be available to participants due to the use of Segments to control Activity visibility. This data table will accurately reflect this information for you and discern whether an Activity is CompletedIncomplete, Not Applicable or Not Started

Preparing Your Report

Each report in Recollective can be customized based on a range of fields as seen below. These controls allow you to produce everything from overall reports that cover all individuals and include all aspects to more focused reports that target specific Activities or participants.


This section allows you to customize which Activities will be included in the report. By default, All Activities (including those that are archived) will be included in the report. However, if you’d like to view a report for specific Activities, simply select the desired ones from the dropdown menu.

Activity Start Date 

This area allows you to view a report of Activity completion statuses tied to specific dates. In most cases, you'll typically run a report associated with All Time. However, you will also have the option to use a custom date range or choose from a standardized set of options. For example, you may want to restrict the results to Activities completed over the Past 7 days or This month


This area controls which participants are included in your report. While most users will create a report that includes All Participants, you may find yourself needing to generate a report for Select Participants or even Select Segments if required. To do this, simply select one of the three options that suit your specific requirements.

Participant Identities

This series of options will allow you to determine how participants will be identified in the report. This ranges from including the participant's Full name, to more limited options such as Username only or Unique ID only

If you intend to download a local copy of the report, you may want to restrict the participant identity included - especially if it is intended to be shared. 
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