Words Overview

The Words summary is effectively an interactive word cloud. Based on the current Summary tab filter, a visualization is shown such that larger words are those that occur most frequently. Click a word to see actual contributions where the word was used and view a refined word cloud based on those results. You can also use the search input to add keywords to your filter.

Sentences that contain the selected word(s) are shown below the word cloud. You can jump from those results to the contributions' original location in the Study with the View Response option. You can choose the Save option to instantly create a verbatim Excerpt that can be codified. You can also Export any iteration of the word cloud along with the filtered verbatim responses.

There's also the ability to hide words in the word cloud that you don't want displayed to make them more actionable. For example, you may want to remove the word camping from a word cloud for a question that asks people about their last camping trip. In this case, the prominence of the word camping is simply due to people likely starting their response with something like on my last camping trip...

Clicking into the Word Data option will show all the words feeding into the word cloud, their frequency count and relative rank based on count. Using the control on the right side of the table allows you to hide and unhide desired words. Any generated word cloud and word data can be exported using the provided options at the top and bottom of the page.

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