Glossary of Terms


Two-factor authentication is security option provided by Recollective to further secure an account. A second device, like a smartphone, is setup to generate a one-time-use code every 60 seconds. This code is requested after login. Learn more about two-factor authentication.


An Activity is a collection of Tasks in a Study to complete. It's like a survey and its Tasks are the individual questions. It has both a start and an end date and forms an important part of the Recollective experience. Activities are set up by Analysts and Moderators. They can be open to all participants in a Study or can target select Segments.


Admin is a type of account in Recollective. It makes reference to three distinct user roles: Analysts, Moderators and Clients. It does not include Panelists or participants.


Analyst is the highest administrative role in a Recollective site. Analysts are permitted to access the Site Administration area to oversee all Panelists, Studies and other Admins.


Activities and Discussion Topics can be effectively closed or hidden by archiving them. This is done by setting an Archive Date during Activity and Topic setup. Archiving does not delete content but works to prevent further responses.


Client is a type of administrative role in a Recollective site. Clients are typically observers in the Studies to which they've been assigned. Their access is limited but various permissions can be granted within each Study for the Client role.

Code Book

Excerpts can be codified using labels. These labels are referred to as codes and are managed in a Code Book that's specific to a single Study. The Code Book can be accessed via Study Settings and when editing an Excerpt.


DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a protocol that allows an organization to take responsibility for transmitting a message in a way that can be verified by email providers. This verification is made possible through cryptographic authentication. Learn more about Email Sender Authentication.


Participant responses can be highlighted and saved to be stored as verbatim Excerpts. These Excerpts can then be codified by applying labels defined by the Study Analysts and Moderators. An Excerpt might be a single word, an an entire paragraph, or even be from a video response (with the video to text transcription).


Moderator is a type of administrative role in a Recollective site. Moderators can fully manage the Studies to which they've been assigned. Moderators are granted full control over a Study but do not have access to the Site Administration area.


A person with an account at the site that is not an administrator is deemed a Panelist. Panelists can join and participate in studies once they are added or invited to those studies. While in a Study, they are referred to as Participants of that Study. Panelist accounts are managed in the Panelists tab > Search Panelists area, which is only accessible to Analysts via the Site Administration.


A person that is in a Study, but is not an administrator, is deemed a participant of that Study. Every participant is also a Panelist of the site. Managing participants relates more to managing their membership to the Study rather than managing the account itself.


Points refers to the attribution feature for actions taken in a Study by its participants. These points can optionally lead to levels being achieved on a leaderboard. These tools can be used to drive engagement and can support a differentiated level of compensation based on point or level attainment. Points are enabled and configured per Study within Study Settings.

Rejected Email

Any email address that cannot receive mail is deemed a rejected email. The email address might be invalid, the mail server might not be operational or the user account on the mail service does not exist or can no longer accept new messages.


People invited to join a Study can be asked a series of questions prior to entering it. Some of those questions might include choices that can disqualify the applicant. This process is referred to as screening and it is typically done for a particular Study but can also be done on a registration level for the site at large.


A Segment is a group of Panelists. A Panelist can be in multiple Segments at the same time. Segments can be shared across all Studies on the site or limited to select Studies. Analysts can manage Segments by navigating to Site Administration > Panelists > Segments

Panelists can be assigned to Basic Segments manually via bulk import or through their choices made when answering closed-ended questions (i.e Poll or Prompt tasks during screening or Activity completion). Panelists can also be dynamically assigned to Smart Segments via dynamic and advanced criteria. Segments that are created within a Study space via Bulk Import will only appear within that Study unless changed in Site Administration. 


This is your Recollective site! Each site can host many Studies concurrently. Panelists and Admins are unique to a site and are able to login at the site address (e.g.

SSL Encryption

Full-time SSL encryption is included for every Recollective site. This enables encryption of all data in transit across the Internet. End users will see https:// in the URL along with a security padlock icon (depending on the browser). Please contact us to learn more about SSL encryption.


SSO is an acronym for Single Sign-On. It is an integration option that allows remote authentication of site end users. SSO is a premium feature that requires custom development by the customer.


The Stream is a newsfeed style summary of all the various contributions being made in a Study. It's an easy way for participants and admins to catch up and give feedback through comments and ratings. The Stream is filterable and each participant profile also features a Stream of all their contributions to the Study.


A Study typically equates to a research project or a group of related research objectives. Each Study is made up of Activities (sets of questions) that are designed for a particular group of people (its participants). A Study might last three days, three months or much longer. A single Recollective site can host many Studies (depending on the license).


If an Activity is like a survey, the Tasks are the individual questions in that survey. Tasks vary by the type of response required by the participants. They include polling questions, open-ended responses, video recordings, photo sharing, matrix grids, card sorting, image reviews and more.


A Discussion Topic is often simply called a Topic. It represents a single conversation that is taking place within a Study. Most Topics are started by administrators, but a Study can permit participants to create their own Topics. Topics are essentially online threads that receive replies which attract their own comments and ratings.

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