Analyzing Poll Charts
The Poll Task type will produce accompanying charts and tables that are made accessible via the Charts summary overview. Like all Task charting outputs in Recollective, you can filter your results by Segment group or select Participants using the controls in the top right of your page.
Please note that charts produced by Prompt Tasks with more than one button choice as well as polls within a Fill the Blanks Task or Live Group Chat Activity all interact in the same way.
A single-choice polling question and Prompt Tasks (with more than one button choice) will produce a pie chart that displays a breakdown of the choices participants made. The pie chart will show the choice data values or choice labels with their reflected percentages.
Using the controls offered in the upper right, you can change the Chart from a pie chart to a vertical or horizontal bar chart, choose to display the chart values as counts or percentages, and modify the precision scale.
Hovering over a section will allow you to focus in on that slice and see its count versus the total count of Task responses. You can also click into a section to have it detach from the overall chart (as shown below). Using thee functionalities allows you to prepare charts for Export that can be included in a top-line or final report.
For multi-select polling questions (either Poll or Fill the Blanks Tasks), the displayed chart will be a horizontal bar chart by default but can be switched to vertical if desired. There's also a dedicated Export option so that you can add the chart into a separate report.
Summary Data Table and Chart Customization
Below the polling chart, you'll find a Summary Data table that allows you to customize aspects that will then be reflected in the above chart and can be saved as the default going forward. The table also provides the counts and percentages for each of the choices.
You can use the checkboxes to select choices that can be hidden, have the colour edited (the default colors will be the ones chosen in Study Settings: Appearance) or even be grouped together. Use the handle icons to change the order of the choices and the pencil icon to edit the choice labels as desired.