Overview of Study States

Every Study in a Recollective site exists in a state that controls access to the Study by the various account types. 


All new Studies start in a DRAFT state. It allows Analysts and Moderators to configure Activities and Discussion Topics before participant access is granted. Studies in a DRAFT state are indicated with an orange DRAFT tag next to their name.

Recollective supports pre-screening while studies are in DRAFT state, allowing you to pre-recruit, although  Participant Access must be open for the overall site before any participants can access a draft Study. Please review the Participant Access dates in the Site Setup: Subscription section of the Site Administration area.


An OPEN Study allows participants to enter into the space once they’ve been invited. They are indicated with a green dot next to their name.

Participant Access must be open for the overall site before any participants can access an open Study. Please review the Participant Access dates in the Site Setup: Subscription section of the Site Administration area.


Once a Study has concluded, it should be given the CLOSED state so participants can no longer access it. Administrators (i.e. Analysts, Moderators and Clients) will still be able to access the space. Studies in the CLOSED state are indicated with a grey CLOSED tag next to their name.


Once all analysis for a Study has been completed it can be ARCHIVED. The ARCHIVED state effectively hides the Study from Moderators and Clients. ARCHIVED Studies always remain accessible to Analysts and are indicated with a grey ARCHIVED tag next to their name

Changing the Study State

To change the Study state from the Dashboard, click the state on the Study card (Open studies will appear as a green dot) and select the desired state from the drop-down menu. From within a Study, click on the state next to the study name and select the desired state from the drop-down menu. You can also change the state from the Admin menu in Study Settings.

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