Live Activity Transcripts and Exports

Recollective supports two Live Activity types: 1:1 Live Video Interviews, and Live Group Chats with Video

These Activity types have a few core differences (such as the maximum number of attendees and the setup and scheduling mechanics). However, once the live session starts, the video chat interface is nearly identical. After the live session wraps up, the recording and transcript options available are also the very similar. This article will cover:

Interactive Transcripts & Recordings

Each live video meeting is automatically recorded and transcribed. Both the meeting recording and transcript will begin processing immediately after the meeting has ended. The processing time is usually 1.5 times the length of the meeting itself (a 30 minute meeting would take roughly 45 minutes to process and transcribe). 

Locating Transcripts & Recordings

Click into the Live Video Activity. If you are using the Live Video Interviews Activity Type, click on the Recordings Tab, then select the specific meeting you are interested in:

If you are using the Live Group Chat with Video Activity Type, click into the Activity, then select the Recording Tab:

The transcript is organized like a chat conversation with messages from the Host(s) aligned to the right and messages from participants aligned to the left. Any typed messages will appear with a keyboard icon, to indicate they were entered via the Text Chat, as opposed to spoken:

Participants' identities on the transcript will be displayed in a format consistent with the study’s Privacy Settings .

The transcript is interactive and offers many great features such as:

Instant Playback: Clicking on a word in the transcript will instantly play the recording starting at the corresponding time stamp. 

Editing: Transcript accuracy can vary based on sound quality and accent variations. Recollective provides you full control to improve the transcripts that are generated to ensure your word clouds and text excerpts are accurate. The transcript can be easily edited to match the speakers dictation by simply double clicking on a word. 

  • While editing a word, the TAB key can be pressed to save the current edit and start the edit of the next word.
  • While editing a word, the SHIFT-TAB key can be pressed to save the current edit and start the edit of the previous word.

You can also re-transcribe the audio for a specific individual if an incorrect language or dialect was selected initially. To do this, you just need to click on the arrow next to that individuals name and select Re-transcribe. You will then be able to select the appropriate language/dialect from the drop-down menu that appears. Depending on the length of the meeting, it may take a moment for the audio to be re-transcribed.

Each transcript message is timestamped. The timestamp will match the elapsed time (e.g. 1:25 = 1 minute 25 seconds into the meeting). Hovering over a timestamp will reveal the time of day associated with the same message.

Saving Excerpts: Valuable insights found in your video transcripts can be saved and easily reported. Just highlight one or more words to reveal the Save Excerpt menu option. This follows the same process available for saving verbatim excerpts on all other text submitted by participants.

Once a snippet of text is saved, you can apply one or more codes to the excerpt.

Video Clips: Each saved Excerpt will automatically generate a matching video clip. These video clips can be downloaded from the Excerpts Report.

Summary Tab (Live Group Chat with Video Only)

From the Summary tab, you can find a Words Summary and, if your session included any Polls, the resulting Charts and Quantitative data.

Words: The Words summary is an interactive word cloud. Click a word to see actual contributions where the word was used and view a refined word cloud based on those results. The View Transcript Option will jump you to that contribution on the Transcript tab. You can also immediately save Excerpts:

Charts: Any Prepared Item Polls will produce accompanying charts and tables that are made accessible via the Charts tab. These Charts will behave just like the Charts generated in Standard Activities. 

You can learn more about Poll Charts here.

Recording and Transcript Export Options 

There are several export options and formats. Note that the options available to you will vary based on the user roles who attended your meeting. 

For example, you will not have the option for a Video Export with Front and Back Room audio if the meeting did not make use of the backroom audio channel.

To generate exports, click on the Export Meeting button, located to the upper right of the recording window (Live Group Chat), or, directly beneath it (Live Video Interviews). 

  • Video: Front Room: This recording of the meeting will include the video and audio feeds of each Host and Participant.
  • Video: Front Room + Backroom: This recording of the meeting will include the video and audio feeds of each Host and Participant, as well as any backroom audio feeds.
  • Meeting Transcript (Excel): This option produces an Excel workbook, with separate sheets for each content type (e.g. the Transcript itself, participants, Poll data if applicable). 
  • Meeting Transcript (HTML): This option produces a media embedded HTML transcript, similar to the transcript seen in the platform, which can be saved as a PDF.
  • Subtitles: Front Room (VTT): This VTT file will include the Host and Participants audio converted to text.
  • Subtitles: Front Room + Backroom (VTT): This VTT file will include the Host and Participants audio, as well as any Backroom audio, converted to text.

Translator Exports

Each meeting can support multiple concurrent translators. A translator’s audio is recorded separately from the front and back rooms. 

  • Once the meeting has been completed, the video of the meeting is combined with each translator’s audio and offered as a separate download. 
  • The transcribed text of a translator is also made available as time-coded subtitle file (VTT format)

All translator audio is also transcribed. The translation is not shown in the transcript initially but can be enabled if one wishes to review the transcription as text. 

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