Study Settings: Privacy

The Privacy section of Study Settings contains all of the privacy options within the Study for both participants and Client accounts. For participants, you’ll be able to control whether they have access to the Directory, Profile pages, Profile photos, External social profiles, as well as how they’ll be able to see each other’s displayed identity (e.g. Username only).

Participant Visibility of Identities and Access to Social Features

In a private Study with no interaction it is strongly advised that you disable participant access to the Directory, Profile Pages and Profile Photos. Likewise, you can also reduce the personal identifier visibility settings to Unique ID only.

Note that the default privacy settings in a new study will give participants access to the Directory and Profile Pages, but not Profile Photos:

If you are using the Incentives feature with a shared leaderboard, the Participant Directory is always enabled.

Client Visibility of Identities and Access to Social Features

Settings for Client accounts in the Study follow the same pattern. You can control what participant identifying information they see in the Study, from full participant names and profile photos to just ID numbers. Client accounts cannot view participant profile fields unless this permission is enabled. You can differentiate between profile fields that house personally identifiable information (PII) and those that do not.

Although you can allow visibility of externally linked social media profiles, email addresses, and profile fields that contain PII, these are not recommended in most cases.

Administrator Visibility of Identities

Analysts and Moderators can always view all participant details in a Study if they wish, but the online display of participant names can be customized for convenience. For example, it may be convenient to only see people's usernames so as to help reinforce the use of just usernames in public comments.

It's important to note that limiting your Clients visibility of identities will not influence the information included within transcripts and exports. You should only provide your Clients with permission to download transcripts and exports if you are okay with them having access to participants emails and profile information.

Visibility of Administrator Identities

In addition, Administrators can control how their personal identifier will appear to participants.

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