Previewing Activities and Tasks

In addition to Previewing a Study as a participant, client, or moderator, you can also preview individual Activities and Tasks to ensure you've configured them properly.

We strongly recommend doing at least an Activity preview for every Activity you configure before making it visible to participants. Once responses have been received, many Activity and Task settings cannot be modified.

Previewing an Activity

After adding one or more Tasks to an Activity, press the Preview Activity button found at the top of the Activity summary page. A dialog box will appear allowing you to action the Preview, and will automatically replace your previous preview response (which can also be accessed via the View Last Response option). 

This previewing option will ignore any visibility settings to allow all Tasks to be shown. Analysts, Moderators and Clients are permitted to preview Activities.

Alternatively, on the Activities page, each card has a menu control which includes a Preview action as shown below:

When previewing an activity, a yellow bar will appear above your Study tabs. From this bar you can toggle between different tasks, skip the current task, and (where applicable) review any segmentation logic for the task currently being viewed. 

Where segmentation logic applies, the segment icon will be displayed, along with the number of segments involved at either the Activity and/or Task levels. By hovering the cursor over the segment icon, applicable Activity Visibility and Task Visibility settings will be displayed. 

Preview responses made by administrators are never seen by participants and so previewing can be done while the Study is OPEN and underway. Please note that Task charts and other overviews will only show preview responses while there are no actual responses by participants.

Previewing a Single Task

If you are working to refine the configuration of a single Task it can be time consuming to preview the entire Activity. To preview a single Task, use the menu control found on the Task card and select Preview as shown below. You also have the option to Save & Preview when on a Task's setup page.

To properly preview Poll and Prompt Tasks configured to skip Tasks, you'll want to preview the entire Activity and not the individual Task.

Using Preview Mode

If your Study consists of Activities or Tasks with limited visibility using Segments (i.e. different pathways or branching), you'll likely want to test these. To simulate Segment assignments, you'll need to enter Preview Mode. The Preview Mode option is offered when actioning an Activity or Task level preview as shown below: 

Preview Mode can also be accessed via the Study Admin menu so that you can easily test the visibility of content regardless of where it might be in your Study (e.g. Home page cards and Discussion Topics). When actioned, you'll have the option to remove any previous responses from earlier previews as well as any previous Segment assignments.

While in Preview Mode, a yellow bar will appear above your Study tabs allowing you to view things from the Participant or relevant Admin levels (e.g. Client and Moderator depending on their role designation). You can even activate Segment assignments and ignore any schedule and sequencing. This flexibility allows you to test things that might be released later on in your Study without having to complete the earlier items or re-configure release dates. 

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