How to Create and Assign Participants to a Basic Segment
Basic Segments are used to group Panelists, limit content visibility, and can be used as Filters. Participants can be assigned to Basic Segments in three key ways– manually, via Bulk Import, or through responding to closed-ended Tasks. In this article, you will learn how to:
Adding Participants to Basic Segments
Method 1: Manual Assignment
Manually assigning participants to Basic Segments is accomplished in the Site Administration. Only Analysts can manually assign Basic Segments.
📍 Go to Site Administration > Panelists > Segments
- Click on New Segment and select Basic Segment
- Enter a Segment Name
- Optional: under the Advanced Options section, you can limit the segment’s Study Visibility or configure the segment to Add Panelists to Studies or Remove Panelists from Studies.
- Click Save
Step 2: Manually Assign Participants to Basic Segment
📍 Go to Site Administration > Panelist > Segments
- Locate and click on the Basic Segment you would like to add Participants to
- Optional: Use the Segment Type filter or Search segments… to help find your desired Segment.
- From the Edit: Basic Segment page, click Manage
- Click Not Assigned
- Optional: Add any other additional filters to narrow down the list of Participants (i.e. Name, Username, Email or Assigned Study)
- For each Participant you want to assign, select the checkbox next to their name or username
- At the bottom of the page, select Add to {Segment Name}
- Click Apply
Method 2: Bulk Import
Analysts and Moderators assigned to the study can assign participants to Basic Segments using Bulk Import.
Bulk Import is an easy way to add or update Segments for multiple Participants in a Study all at once via the import of an .XLSX or .XSL file.
- Using a spreadsheet application such as Excel, create a spreadsheet
- Add participants' Email Addresses or External IDs into the first column
- Create a separate column for each Segment
- Place a 1 in the column to assign a participant to that Segment
- Upload your spreadsheet
- If this is a new Segment, select New Segment
- If this is an existing Segment, select Assign Segment and choose the corresponding Segment from the dropdown list provided.
Method 3: Task Response

- In the intended Activity, create a Poll Task, Prompt Task, or a Poll Blank within a Fill The Blanks Task
- Configure a response option to add participants to an associated Segment
For Prompt Task: As you create your Choice Labels, click the "Add to Segment(s)" drop-down menu and select ‘Add’ in the header
For Poll Task: As you create your Choice Labels, click Show Advanced Options and then under the "Add to Segment(s)" drop-down menu, select the ‘Add’ button in the header.
- Define a Segment Name
- Click Save
- Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each response option as needed
- Save the Task