Recollective Qualtrics Integration

The Recollective Qualtrics integration is a no-code, no-spreadsheet solution for researchers who want to import survey respondents from Qualtrics XM into Recollective. This feature can be found in the Site Settings area under Integrations and requires access to a Qualtrics account to configure.

This integration allows researchers to map Qualtrics survey questions to profile fields and segments within the platform in order to onboard qualified respondents and their profile data in real time. We currently support two Qualtrics question types: Text Entry (TE) & Multiple Choice (MC). Embedded data is also supported. 

By eliminating the need for tedious spreadsheets, manual panel updates, and technical SSO configurations, the Qualtrics integration opens the door for researchers of any background to streamline their onboarding efforts in a single click.

Some key use cases for this feature include but are not limited to the following:

  • Pre-screen in Qualtrics for a project in Recollective so participants can register and begin their study immediately.
  • Instantly refresh your panel as new respondents complete a survey–without lengthy manual processes.
  • Mix methodologies seamlessly by sending existing Recollective panelists or participants to complete a new Qualtrics survey and sync their profile with new data upon return. 
Interested in learning how to set this up? More details can be found in our Qualtrics Integration Guide.
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