How To Program a 2-Phase Project (Asynchronous & Synchronous)

When programming a 2-phase project (Asynchronous > Synchronous), we recommend reviewing your Site's Subscription to confirm the type of license(s) you have. If your Site has an active / upcoming Live Activities Only license, there are a few additional factors you may need to consider when programming. 

If your Site has an active/upcoming Live Activities Only License

Live Activities Only licenses are labeled as such on the Phase within the Site Subscription Page.

To add a new Study for your Live Video Activities, follow these steps:

📍 Go to Dashboard > Add Study

  1. For the Study Type, select Live Activities Only 
  2. Click Next
  3. Enter a Study Name
    1. Optional: Customize the External Study ID, Language, and/or Time zone
  4. Click Add Study
Note: If the current Phase indicates a Live Activities Only license, only the corresponding Study Type can be used. All Activity Types studies will be closed to participants unless there is an active Standard Qual license.

Admins can check if a study is set to Live Activities Only by navigating through Study Admin > Study Settings, and checking the label underneath the Study State. 

If the incorrect Study Type was chosen, you may delete and recreate the study using the correct Study Type or contact for support.

Transitioning from a Standard Qual License to a Live Activity Only License

If you are planning on transitioning from a Standard Qual License to a Live Activity Only License, you may wish to identify select participants for follow-up interviews or Live Group Chats using segmentation.

To program the 2-phase project in this scenario, you will need to program 2 separate studies: The Asynchronous Study and the Synchronous Study. Then, use a Segment to select your desired participants for the Live Activities Only phase. To achieve this, follow these steps:

1) Study Creation: 

📍 Go to Dashboard > Add Study

  1. Create a Study for the Asynchronous Phase, utilizing the All Activity Types Study Type
  2. Create a Study for the Synchronous Phase, utilizing the Live Activities Only Study Type

Note: Clients and Moderators must be added to both studies if they should have access.

2) Participant Onboarding (Asynchronous Study): 

📍 Go to Study Admin > Add Participants 

  1. Add and invite the participants to the All Activity Type Study for the asynchronous phase of your project (Standard Qual License)

3) Participant Onboarding (Synchronous Study):

  1. Create the Basic Segment to automatically add participants to the Synchronous Study (Live Activity Only License)
  2. 📍 Go to Site Administration > Panelists > Segments
    1. Select New Segment > Basic Segment
    2. Name the Segment
    3. Under Advanced Options, utilize the ‘Add Panelists to Studies’ option and select the upcoming Live Activities Only study. 
      1. When participants are added to the Segment, they will automatically be added to the study but not yet invited.
    4. Click Save

📍 Go to Study Admin > Add Participants 

  1. Add Participants to the Segment via Bulk Import, task response assignment (poll or prompt), or manually 
  2. Once the Live Activities Only Phase begins and the Synchronous Study is open, you may send email invitations for participants to join.

If your Site DOES NOT have an active/upcoming Live Activity Only License

The Live Activities Only study type will not be presented as an option and studies will automatically default to All Activity Types.

With a Standard Qual License, you will already have access to all activity types offered on the platform including Live Activities. In this scenario, it is not essential to create a new study space to host Live Activities, unless this is your preferred method of conducting Interviews or Focus Groups. 

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