Managing Segments

All Segments can be managed within Site Administration by clicking on the Segments option within the Panelists tab.

On the resulting page, you will have access to a table of all Segments housed on your Recollective site.  From this page, you will be able to:

Creating and Editing Segments

There are two types of Segments in Recollective: Basic Segments and Smart Segments. Both types of Segments can be created from the Segment Management page by clicking on the ‘New Segment' button. This will open a single-choice menu, where you will be able to select the type of segment you would like to create.

For more information on the different Segment types, you can refer to our Basic vs. Smart Segments Knowledge Base article.

Basic and Smart Segments across all studies will appear together in the Segment Table, which will display up to 25 segments on each page. To edit a single Segment, click on its name or select the arrow that appears when hovering over it, which will open a menu where you can select from the following options: Rename, Edit, Copy, and Archive.

Additionally, doubling clicking on a Segment will trigger an inline edit, allowing you to quickly modify a Segment Name. 

Segment Table: Columns and Filtering Tools

The Segment Table is broken into the following Columns:

  1. Checkbox: This column allows you to control which segments are selected. Clicking the header checkbox selects all segments across all pages. When a filter is active, the header checkbox selects all segments that match the filter across all pages.
  2. Segment: This column denotes the Segment Name and Type. Clicking the Segment Column header will toggle the table between A-Z and Z-A sorting. 
    • Each segment has an icon that represents whether the segment is a Smart Segment or a Basic Segment:
  3. Visibility: This column displays whether a segment is visible in all studies, multiple studies, a specific study, or none.
  4. Panelists: This column provides a count of the number of panelists assigned to each segment. Clicking the Panelist Column header will toggle the table between highest to lowest and lowest to highest sorting. 
Tip: Clicking on the number count will redirect you to a filtered list of all panelists assigned to that segment.

Above the segment table, there are three filtering tools available, allowing you to easily sort through and locate your Segments. Use the inputs above the Segment Table to apply the following filters: 

  • Enter a Keyword to search for a matching segment name
  • Filter page results for a specific Segment Type (E.g. Smart Segments or Basic Segments)
  • Filter page results on a specific Study Visibility:
    • All studies will filter for segments that are visible across all studies
    • Select studies… will filter for segments that are visible in any of the selected studies
    • No studies will filter for segments that are not visible in any studies

When one or more segments have been selected from the table, a floating Bulk Action modal will appear. This modal will display a count of the number of selected segments and provides two options: Update Visibility or Archive

Bulk Action: Updating Segment Visibility

Selecting Update Visibility will open a side panel, where you will be able to further customize the desired visibility of the selected segments. The side panel will be broken into the following sections:

  • Selected Segments: All selected segments will be listed. If you would prefer that a listed segment is not included in the bulk action, you can deselect the segment to remove it from the list. 
  • Segment Visibility: Select from the following options to bulk apply the visibility settings to all selected segments:
    • All studies: Segments will be shown in all studies.
    • No studies: Segments will not be shown in any studies.
    • Also show in…: Segments will be shown in the selected studies in addition to any studies they are already visible in.
    • Only show in…: Segments will be shown in the selected studies and removed from any other studies.
    • Hide from…: Segments will be removed from the selected studies but will continue to show in other studies.

If the latter three options are selected, an additional Select Studies section will appear in the panel, allowing you to individually select the studies you would like applied to the action. Once the desired studies have been selected and you are satisfied with your choices, click Next and Apply Update to action your changes. 

Note: If one or more selected segments are set to All Studies, the option to Hide from… will be disabled.

Bulk Action: Archiving Segments

The Archive option from the Bulk Action modal allows you to hide all selected segments across the entire site. Archived segments can be unarchived at any time by navigating to the Archived tab.

Bulk Action: Deleting Segments

Once segments have been archived, Analysts will have the ability to delete them. In the Archived tab, the Bulk Action modal contains a Delete option that allows you to quickly delete all selected segments. Clicking on this button will open a menu that requires you to confirm this action by typing the word ‘DELETE’ and subsequently clicking a button that reads ‘Delete x Segments’. 

Note: Basic Segments cannot be recovered after they have been deleted.

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