Study Settings: Profile Fields

The Profile Fields section of Study Settings allows you to control which profile fields appear in a study and its exports.

The Limit profile fields switch starts disabled by default. When this switch is disabled, all profile fields that have values will be visible on participant profiles within your study, as well as in study Transcripts and Exports. 

To limit which profile fields appear in these areas, enable the Limit profile fields switch, and then use the dropdown menu to select which fields to allow in the current study. 

This is a new feature. Product releases are rolled out progressively to all customers. If you don’t see this new feature on your site, don't worry, it will arrive soon!

Limiting Profile Fields in Studies

By default, all profile fields that have values will appear on a participant's profile in a study. This means that if a panelist is invited to participate in multiple studies on the same site, profile field data from previous projects will be visible on their profile in the current study. 

In this example, Lylah M is currently participating in a study about outdoor activities. Lylah previously participated in a medical community on our site, so we can see the profile field which contains her medical history in our Outdoor Journey study. This profile field will also appear in all our Transcripts and Exports for this study. 

To avoid exposing Lylah's sensitive information in this study where it is not relevant, we will limit which fields can appear in the study using the Limit profile fields switch and dropdown menu.

Tip: You can limit field visibility to specific roles from Study Settings > Privacy
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