Study Home Page: People Card

When creating a study, a default People card will be present on the home page. It is populated with the Study Creator and a default introduction message. Everything on the card, from the Admin displayed to the contents of the message can be updated. To edit this card, click the Page Options button located on the top-right of the screen then select Edit Page.

A toolbar will appear at the top of the page to confirm you are in Edit mode, and a  dropdown arrow will appear in the corner of each home page card. Select the dropdown arrow > Edit to make changes to a card.

Available Edit settings will surface in a new window.

To change the Administrator from the Study Creator to someone else, navigate to the People Filter, choose Select Administrators, then select the specific Administrator(s) who should be displayed. 

If an administrator that you want displayed does not appear in the Select administrators list, they may need to be invited to the study. Administrators will only appear in the list after they have accepted their invite.

The number of Administrators who appear on the card can also be customized. If you have selected multiple Administrators and wish to display them all on the card, you will need to modify these settings.

The People in total setting can be increased based on how many Admins you want to display. 

The People per page controls whether all Admins will appear together on one page, or if they will appear paginated:

When you are satisfied with your changes, click Save to close the edit window.

Publishing Your Changes

Changes made in edit mode are saved automatically as an unpublished draft. The changes must be published to be made visible to participants. To publish the changes, select the Publish button at the top of the page.

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