Tip: Enabling Camera, Microphone, & Screen Access

Gaining access to your computer’s camera, microphone, and screen varies across different browsers and operating systems. In most cases, you will be shown a request the first time such access is requested. If you do not see the request, or you previously blocked such access, this article will guide you on how to restore those settings.

Browser Permissions

Please ensure your web browser has permission to access your camera, microphone and screen:

Declined Browser Permissions

If you declined the sharing of your camera, microphone or screen share, it is only temporarily blocked. On Firefox and Google Chrome, you can select the icon in the address bar and then remove the temporary block as shown below by select the "x".  Refresh the page before trying again.

Google Chrome:


Operating System Permissions

You will also want to ensure your operating system is not blocking access. In particular, macOS does not grant browsers the right to record or share the screen until it is enabled at least once.



For screen sharing and screen recording on a macOS, you must enable "Screen Recording" for the browser you are using.

1. Select the the Apple logo and select System Preferences

2. Select Security & Privacy:

3. Select Screen Recording

4. Enable the checkbox next to the browser that you are using

A window will appear asking you to restart your browser. Click Quit Now. Simply Reopen your browser and you should now have access to Screen Recording. You will not have to do this again.

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