How to Configure Available Languages

Recollective’s interface can be displayed to users in many languages. In order to make these languages available to users on your site, you will need to enable additional languages within Site Administration. Only Analysts can enable Available Languages on a site.

To configure the Available Languages on your Site, follow these steps:

📍 Go to Site Administration > Settings > Basic Settings
  1. Scroll to the International Settings header 
  2. In the Available Languages list, select the checkbox next to each language you would like enabled on your Site. 
  3. Click Apply Settings

Once you have completed these steps, these languages will be enabled on your site. When a new user first accesses the site, the platform will inspect the person’s web browser and will automatically select a matching language if it is available. If needed, users can use the language toggle found in the bottom left corner of site pages to switch to an enabled language.

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