How to Reject a Task Response

If a participant wants to make a change to a Task response in a complete Activity, an Analyst or Moderator can reject the response. 

To reject a Task Response, follow this two step procedure: 

Step 1: Locate the relevant Task

Step 2: Reject the Task response

Note: A rejected Task response will return to a Draft state and the participant will be notified that they need to edit their response. An explanation for the participant can be added to let them know why you are requesting they edit the Task.

Step 1: Locate the relevant Task

📍 Go to the Activity that contains the relevant Task
  1. Scroll down to the Response Summary table
  2. Click View next to the participant’s name
  3. Use the Task Name dropdown menu to select the relevant Task from the list

Step 2: Reject the Task response

  1. Once you have located the relevant Task, click on Response Options
  2. Select Reject Task Response
  3.  In the modal that appears, click Reject Task Response
    1. Optional: You may provide the reason for the task rejection as needed
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